6. August 2014

WAKO Oceania

Thank you Espen, and thank you to all of the other WAKO members who have shown their support to me and to WAKO Oceania. 

The future looks very bright for WAKO, and more importantly very promising for the athletes for whom we represent. I am very proud to be part of an organisation that creates opportunities (international travel, international top class competition, exposure to other peoples and cultures etc) for those who might otherwise never have such opportunities and do so without discrimination or prejudice.


We have a great team here in WAKO Oceania, and I encourage all WAKO members to join the WAKO Oceania Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/pages/WAKO-Oceania/1510884685795387). 

Please, if you have items of interest, or to simply say ‘Hello’; post them on our Facebook page, it will firstly keep us all informed and secondly it will help bridge the isolation often felt in this part of the world due to the geographic gap between our respective countries. It will also enable our athletes, coaches and officials become familiar with you so that they are aware of the impressive work undertaken by WAKO officials worldwide.

I look forward to a future of fruitful and beneficial cooperation with you all.

Kind Regards


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